Yep, despite having doused myself with Off last night, I still got about 9 bites while outside dyeing my Endor poncho yesterday evening.
I have decided to make a little experiment of them, and trying various home remedies… so far using deodorant seems to be the best.
Well enough about that, this is my costume journal not my mosquito bite journal.
First off, I was very bad and actually bought a costume on ebay. Money I should not have spent… but it’s a costume I’ve long wanted, and it’s one I’ve never had the patience to try to make. (I intended to try to make one back in 2003, I think… fell through, obviously) Chase wanted me to match him with his new costume, too. So, yay for spending money, I guess. It’s not a Star Wars costume, though LOL
So anyway, on stuff I’m working on….
Endor Poncho: Finished it last night. Like I said above, spent a while outside dyeing it. I’m really pleased with how it came out, it went quickly, too. Now I just need to sew the stripes on my new pants and make my new belt, and hopefully my donut will come in time to have that ready for Dcon. If not, I’ll go without.
Marasiah: got the robe finished. Started the mid-section pieces, and the inner cape/skirt piece thing– I’m hoping to start painting them tonight. Once those are done, I just need to alter the top of the bodysuit, attach my shoes, and figure out the brooch…
Boushh: Haven’t done much, I know Chase primered all my stuff the other day. I almost have my muslin of the tunic done, I just need to figure out the sleeves. I’m really skittish about cutting out this leather… not just on Boushh, but on WW and Jango, too. I’ve got get working on Chase’s Jango vest tonight.
Han: Shirt is finished; still haven’t found pants. The boots we got didn’t fit, so he’s reselling them- if anyone out there is interested in 19in tall Men’s size 10 leather riding boots let me know 🙂
I started another side project last week; something I had started to put together earlier this year but abandoned. Well, after seeing the movie it’s from again last week, I was inspired to pick it up again, and I finished it already! I’m so excited LOL I’m saving it for a surprise, though 🙂
What else… gosh, there’s just too much going on…
we went and picked up a few things at the fabric store Saturday. Just random little things I needed, a zipper, a couple more yards of one fabric, interfacing, etc. Well, while we were there, we discovered the most beautiful fur… on sale at that! It was EXACTLY like what we had wanted for Beast last year but couldn’t find. I fell in love with it instantly… and yep, bought it. Even on sale it was still more than I should have spent right now with Dcon coming up, but I figured if I didn’t, it would be gone by the time we needed it for Beast’s revamp. It’s so lovely — we’re going to use it for new hands, feet, and around the neck. It totally made my day 🙂
Back to picking at the mosquito bites, I guess.